精品课程点击排行榜  >>  模拟北京导游
课程简介 教师队伍  

■ 课程简介
课程名称: 模拟北京导游 一级学科:  01 哲学
二级学科: 0101 哲学类 教学层次:  高职高专
负责教师: 王 琦 学校名称:  北京财贸职业学院
院系名称:   申报状态:  已获奖
申报级别: 省级 申报文件下载:  无下载文件
获奖名称: 获奖年度:  2006
主页地址: http://www.bjczy.edu.cn/jpkc/daoyou/jxdg/zhu.htm 是否交换: 
浏览次数: 3117 网上评论:  没有相关评论

????The contents of this course is divided into 10 modules, and every module takes 4 lessons. All the contents are based on the students’ basic reception services for the foreign tour groups. Our motivation is during the courses of the language teaching approach, we have designed the teaching module that is leading by the work module and based on the requirements of the occupations which the students going to take after graduation.
Module 1 Knowing the Work of Tour Guide(认识导游工作) 4 lessons
Module 2 Preparing for the Tour Group Reception(接站准备) 4 lessons
Module 3 Meeting Tour Groups at Airport(机场接团) 4 lessons
Module 4 Meeting Tour Groups at Railway Station(火车站接团) 4 lessons
Module 5 Hotel Check-in(入住酒店) 4 lessons
Module 6 Tour Planning(商定旅游计划行程) 4 lessons
Module 7 Sightseeing (参观游览) 4 lessons
Module 8 Other Services(其他服务) 4 lessons
Module 9 Seeing off at the Airport(送站服务) 4 lessons
Module 10 Following-up Work (后续工作) 4 lessons

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