课程编号 : 203080810 名 称 :管理学 课程类别 :管理类本科专业核心基础课 教学安排 : 60 学时; 3 学分 教学方式 :理论讲授、案例分析、情景模拟、管理游戏、角色扮演、管理专题辩论等 考试方式 :闭卷考试。考试成绩占 60 %,案例分析占 20 %,平时成绩(团队练习、情景模拟、管理游戏、角色扮演等)占 20 %。 先修要求 :无 参考教材 : 教材: 1. 周三多 , 陈传明 , 鲁明泓 . 管理学 ── 原理与方法(第四版) . 上海:复旦大学出版社 , ????2005 2. 杨文士 , 焦叔斌 , 张雁 , 李晓光 . 管理 学原理(第二版) . 北京:中国人民大学出版社 , ????2004 教学参考书: 1. 斯蒂芬 · 罗宾斯等著 . 管理学(英文影印版 · 第 7 版) . 北京 : 清华大学出版社 , 2001 2. 小詹姆斯 · 唐纳利等著 . 管理学基础(英文版 · 第 10 版) . 北京 : 机械工业出版社 , ????2005 3. 许庆瑞等 . 管理学(面向 21 世纪课程教材)北京 : 高等教育出版社 , 2000 4. 邢以群 . 管理学(第二版) . 杭州 : 浙江大学出版社 , 2005 5. 余敬等 . 管理学案例 . 武汉 : 中国地质大学出版社 , 2000 主讲教师 :余敬、刁凤琴、严良、覃 家 君、刘宇清、孙理军、刘家国、郑晓军等 教学目的 :通过本课程的学习,使学生能系统地掌握管理学的基本理论和一般方法,了解管理思想史,培养学生从事计划、组织、领导和控制等工作的综合管理技能。 课程简介 :《管理学》是管理学、经济学类专业的核心课程之一。本课程运用理论与实践相结合的方法,汲取了古今中外管理思想与管理理论的精华,系统地阐述了管理活动的基本规律和一般方法。内容包括:管理总论;管理历史;计划、组织、领导和控制等管理职能。 ? 主要内容 :
Curriculum Number: 203080810
Curriculum Name: Management
Curriculum Tape: Required Curriculum (RC) for undergraduate students of English teaching class in the fields of management
Teaching Arrangement: 60 period; 3 credit hour
Teaching Mode: Teaching based on managerial theories, cases, simulation, games and roll play, etc. ?
Examination Mode: Grades are based on exams, case analysis, and class participation. Exams are weighted 60 percent (distributed between final and midterm exam), case analysis is weighted 20 percent, and the remaining grade is for class participation and group projects.
Required Pre-courses: Nothing
Teaching Materials and References:
Teaching materials:
Stephen P.Robbins and Mary Coulter. Management (7th edition). Prentice Hall. 2001
James H. Donnelly, Jr., James L. Gibson and John M. Ivancevich. Fundamentals of Management (10th edition). McGraw-Hill, 2005
Instructors: Yu Jing, etc.
Teaching Objectives: After learning this course, students can grip the basic theories and general methods systemically, understand management yesterday and today, and get management skills for a manager when he or she plans, organizes, leads and controls.
Curriculum Highlights: Management is one of core courses in the fields of management. This course, integrating managerial theory and practice, provides thoroughly basic regulations and general method of management activities based on management thoughts and theories at all times and in all over the world. Its content contains introduction to management, management yesterday and today, and management functions including planning, organizing, leading and controlling.
Brief Contents:
Chapter 1 Introduction to Management and Organization? ????????8h????????
Who Are Managers?
What Is Management?
What Do Managers Do?
What Is an Organization?
Why Study Management?
Case Application
Managerial simulation
Chapter 2 Management Yesterday and Today ??????????????????10h????
Historical Background of Management
Scientific Management
General Administrative Theorists
Quantitative Approach to Management
Toward Understanding Organizational Behavior
Current Trends and Issues
Case Application
Chapter 3 Planning??????????????????????????????????????????? 12h
Section 1 Decision-Making: The Essence of the Manager’s Job
The Decision-Making Process
The Pervasiveness of Decision Making
The Manager as Decision Maker
Managerial games
Section 2 Foundations of Planning
What Is Planning?
Why Do Managers Plan?
How Do Managers Plan?
Planning Tools and Techniques
Contemporary Issues in Planning
Case Application
Chapter 4 Organizing????????????????????????????????????????? 12h
Section 1 Organizational Structure and Design
Defining Organizational Structure
Organizational Design Decisions
Common Organizational Designs
Section 2 Managerial Communication
Understanding Managerial Communication
The Process of Interpersonal Communication
Organizational Communication
Section 3 Managing Change and Innovation
What Is Change?
Managing Change
Contemporary Issues in Managing Change
Stimulating Innovation
Case Application
Team work
Chapter 5 Leading??????????????????????????????????????????? 14h
Section 1 Motivating Employees
What Is Motivation?
Early Theories of Motivation
Contemporary Theories of Motivation
Current Issues in Motivation
From Theory to Practice: Suggestions for Motivating Employees
Section 2 Leadership
Managers Versus Leaders
Early Leadership Theories
Contingency Theories of Leadership
Cutting-Edge Approaches to Leadership
Contemporary Issues in Leadership
Case Application
Managerial roll play
Chapter 6 Controlling ????????????????????????????????????4h
What Is Control?
Why Is Control Important?
The Control Process
Types of Control
Implications for Managers
Contemporary Issues in Control
Case Application |