????? 博士,教授, 博士生导师, 1982毕业于天津大学基础科学系力学班,获学士学位;1988年获固体力学专业硕士学位;1992获实验力学专业博士学位,1993-1994赴德国Wuppertal大学进行博士后科研;1996年在加拿大Ryerson大学、美国Oakland 大学合作科研。现任天津大学机械学院力学系主任,教育部基础力学课程教学指导委员会委员,中国力学学会实验力学专业委员会主任,《固体力学学报》,《实验力学》编委,《科学通报》,《物理快报》特邀编辑.
????? 在教学方面,多年来在教学一线承担本科生基础课《材料力学》课程教学和部分研究生课教学,曾获得天津大学教学竞赛一等奖。主要科研方向是实验固体力学与材料力学性能研究, 曾获得教育部科技进步二等奖。目前正在主持国家自然科学基金重点项目一项,国家重点国际(地区)合作项目一项。在国内外重要期刊上发表学术论文40多篇,其中有半数被国际重要检索机构检索。
????? 近五年主持或参加的主要科研项目及角色
????? 国家自然科学基金重点基金项目(10232030):微尺度与多场耦合力学实验技术和方法研究.项目负责人,在研
????? 国家重点国际(地区)合作基金项目:混合方法及其复合材料参数识别中的应用,项目负责人,在研
????? 横向合作项目:压电材料的强度分析与实验研究,5万,在研
????? 国家自然科学基金项目(19972046):低维材料温湿度环境影响与断裂力学问题研究,项目负责人,已完成
????? 近五年发表的代表性论著(10篇)
- Kang Y.L, etc, Experimental analysis for thermal stress in functionally gradient material, C. Sacience Bullein, 1998,34(10),P827,
- Kang Yilan,Experimental analysisi for Singularities in crack Normal to Bimaterial Interface, ACTAMechaics Solide Sinica,1998, 11(2)P180
- Huaiwen Wang,Yilan Kang, "An improved digital speckle correlation method and its application in copper thin film," in?3rd international conference on experimental mechanics, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4537, pp151-153 (2002).
- Huaiwen Wang, Yilan Kang. "Improved Digital Speckle Correlation Method and Its Application in Fracture Analysis of Metallic Foil", Optical Engineering, 2002,41(11), pp2793-2798.
- Kang Yilan, E. Soppa, S. Schmauder, “Analysis of the Modeling of Stress and Strain Fields in a Real Microstructure using a Hybrid Method”,ACTA Mechanic Solid Sinica, 2002,15(3), pp277-285.
- Kang Yilan, Lu Hua, “Investigation of Near-tip Displacement Fields of a Crack Normal to and Terminating at a Bi-material Interface under Mixed-mode Loading”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2002, 69(18), pp2199-2208.
- Y-L Kang; D-H Fu; G-F Wang; etc, “Analysis of displacement and strain field around a bimaterial interfacial region by stress couple theory and experiment”, Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 2002, 37(4), pp281-287.
- Yi-Lan Kang, Gao-Fei Zheng,Effect of Moisture on Mechanical Behavior of Polymer by Experiments,Key Engineering Materials,Vol251-252,p7-12, 2003,
- Huai-Wen Wang, Yi-Lan Kang, Size effect on fracture toughness of metallic foil,International Journal of Fracture,2003,123(3-4):177-185
- Lei Zhenkun, Kang Yilan, An Experimental Study of Residual Stress Measurements in Porous Silicon using Micro-Raman Spectros copy,CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS,2004,24(2)403-406