一. 学术研究课题:
1.Li Xin-Guo,Duan Wwei,Meng Qing-Wei(通信作者).The function of chloroplastic NAD(P)Hdehydrogenase in tobacco during chilling stress under low irradiance.Plant and Cell Physiology.2004,45(1):103-108,SCI
2.Li Xin-Guo,Meng Qing-Wei(通信作者),Zou Qi et al.The susceptibility of cucumber and sweet pepper to chilling under low irradiance is related to energy dissipation and water-water cycle.Photosynthetica,2003,41(2):259-265,SCI
3.Chang-Ai Wu,Guo-Dong Yang,Qing-Wei Meng and Cheng-Chao Zheng.The cotton GhNHX1 gence encoding a novel putative tonoplast Na+/H+ antiporter playes an important role in salt stress.Plant and Cell Physiology.2004,45(5):600-607,SCI
4. Sink-source transition in tobacco leaves visualized using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging. New Phytologist,2001,151:585-595,第一作者,SCI收录
5. Photoinhibition and photoprotection in Ginkgo Biloba leaves: Influence of temperature、CO2、O2. Acta Botanica Sinica, 1999,141(4):398-404 ,第一作者,SCI收录
6. Effects of cold-hardening on chilling-induced photoinhibition of photosynthesis and on xanthophyll cycle pigments in sweet pepper. Photosynthetica, 2001,39(3):467-472,第二作者,SCI收录
7.Li X.-G., Wang X.-M. Q.-W.Meng(通讯作者), Q.Zou. Factors Limiting Photosynthetic Recovery in Sweet Pepper Leaves after Short-Term Chilling Stress under Low Irradiance. Photosynthetica,2004,42(2):1-7, SCI收录
8. Effects of cold-harding on photosynthetic performance and chilling-induced photoinhibition in sweet pepper leaves. 植物生理与分子生物学学报,2002,28(1):51-58,第三位(通信作者)
9. 番茄类囊体膜抗坏血酸过氧化物酶基因TtAPX序列,植物生理与分子生物学学报,2002,28(6):491-492,第三位(通信作者)
10. 小麦不同品种光破坏防御能力差别机理的研究细胞。作物学报,2003,29(3)340-346,第二位(通信作者)