2(2)-3学术研究 |
1. 承担的科研项目:
(1)??根瘤菌结瘤因子信号转导, 6万, 教育部博士点基金, 2006-2008 ?主持人
(2)??Hsp90分子伴侣蛋白的研究, 2万, 合作研究, 2004-2006 ?主持人
(3)??植物细胞板形成过程中相关基因的分离及功能研究, 17万, 国家自然科学基金, 2001-2003,主持人
(4)??脯氨酸合成酶基因与水稻抗盐耐旱相关性研究, 12万, 教育部骨干教师基金, 2000-2002, 主持人
2. 发表的研究论文:
(1)??? Charateriztion of a plant homologof Hop, a cochaperone of Hsp90, Plant Physiology 132:525-535, 2003, 排名第1
(2)??? Phragmopla stin dynamics: multiple forms, microtubule association and their roles in cell plate formation in plant, Plant Molecular Biology 53: 297-312, 2003,? ?排名第3
(3)??? A novel UDP-glucosyl transferase is part of the callose synthase complex and interacts with the phragmoplastin at the forming cell plate, The Plant Cell 13:769-779, 2001,? ?排名第2
(4)??? Removal of feedback inhibition of 1-Pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase results in increased proline accumulation and protection of plant from stress, Plant Physiology 122:1129-1136, 2000, ?排名第3
(5) Phragmoplastin polymerizes into spiral coiled structure via intermolecular interaction of two self-assembly domains, J. Biological Chemistry 275:8779-8784, 2000, 排名第1
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