(4)约束系统动力学的某些问题,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金, 2005年至2007年, 主持人。批准号:20040007022
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(3)Mei F.X., Zheng G.H., On the Noether symmetry and Lie symmetry of mechanical systems, Acta. Mech. Sin., 2002,18(4): 414-419.
(4)Mei F.X., Non-Noether conserved quantity for differential equations of motion in the phase space.Chin Sci Bull,2002,47(24):2049-2050.
(5)Mei F.X., Xu X.J., Zhang Y.F., An unified symmetry of Lagaragian systems,? Acta. Mech. Sin., 2004,20 (6):668-671.
(6)梅凤翔.具有可积微分约束的力学系统的形式不变性. 力学学报, 2002, 34(增刊):1-4.
(7)梅凤翔. 广义Hamilton系统的Lie对称性与守恒量.物理学报, 2003, 52(5): 1048-1050.
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(9)Zhang Yi, Mei F.X., Form invariance of systems of generalized classical mechanics. Chin Phys., 2003, 12 (10):1058-1061.
(10)Mei F.X., Xu X.J. Form Invariances and Lutzky conserved quantities for Lagrange systems.? Chin Phys., 2005,14 (3): 449-451.
(1) 《Birkhoff系统动力学和非完整系统的运动稳定性》获国防科技二等奖, 1999年11月(排名第一)。